☆☆☆☆☆ Educational App Store 5 star reviewed by teachers ☆☆☆☆☆
See the Educational App Store listing here https://www.educationalappstore.com/app/max2math
"Providing varied and high-quality maths practice is what the app is all about." - Educational App Store review
"The reporting section of the app is excellent." - Educational App Store review
"Appearances can be deceiving. This app offers a learning experience far better than you might expect based on its appearance alone." - Educational App Store review
"Yes, despite having no ads or in-app purchases, this app is free to download and parents and teachers are encouraged to do so." - Educational App Store review
Max2Math is designed to encourage your child to do one short math lesson every day or as often as they can.
☆ We believe children who practice their math regularly will gain in confidence and develop good habits for life ☆
✓ Each lesson is individually tailored to your child using algorithms that run on your phone or tablet that take into account the child's age, school year and all the answers the child has given previously.
✓ The learning is done by example and each question has an option to provide the answer and for some questions there is a short animation to explain the solution - so even if your child gets stuck they can still learn!
✓ You can review each lesson your child has done and see the answers given for each question. Next to each question there is a "struggle-ometer" which indicates if your child is finding this type of question easy or if they are struggling.
✓ There is an analysis screen which gives your child's success rate in each topic they are covering and which are the questions they are most struggling with.
✓ By using the information provided in the Lesson Review and Analysis parts of the app you can let your child do their lesson either with you or independently and easily monitor their progress and provide targeted additional help.
✓ There is a "Rewards" section on the home page where your child is given stars for their activity on the app. You can use this to help motivate your child to learn and develop good habits
✓ You can choose to follow United States, United Kingdom, Australia or International school systems
✓ You can add multiple children on each install of the app and each child can progress at their own pace
✓ No adds and no in app purchases - this app is totally safe for your kids!
Click here to see the full User Guide https://www.qutesol.com/max2math/user-guide
☆☆☆☆☆ Educational App Store 5 Sterne von Lehrern überprüft ☆☆☆☆☆
Siehe Educational App Store Listing hier https://www.educationalappstore.com/app/max2math
„Die Bereitstellung vielfältiger und qualitativ hochwertige Mathematik der Praxis ist es, was die App geht.“ - Educational App Store Bewertung
„Der Bericht Bereich der App ist ausgezeichnet.“ - Educational App Store Bewertung
„Der Schein kann täuschen. Diese App bietet eine Lernerfahrung weit besser, als man allein aufgrund seiner Erscheinung erwarten könnte.“ - Educational App Store Bewertung
„Ja, trotz keine Anzeigen mit oder in-App-Käufen, diese App ist kostenlos zum Download und Eltern und Lehrer werden ermutigt, dies zu tun.“ - Educational App Store Bewertung
Max2Math ist so konzipiert, um Ihr Kind zu ermutigen, eine kurze mathematische Lektion so oft jeden Tag zu tun oder wie sie können.
☆ Wir Kinder glauben, die ihre Mathe üben regelmäßig in Vertrauen gewinnen und gute Gewohnheiten für das Leben entwickeln ☆
✓ Jede Lektion individuell auf Ihr Kind Algorithmen verwenden, die auf Ihrem Telefon oder Tablet ausführen, die das Alter des Kindes, Schuljahr und alle Antworten das Kind zuvor gegeben hat, zu berücksichtigen.
✓ Das Lernen durch Beispiel getan und jede Frage hat eine Option, um die Antwort und für einige Fragen zu geben gibt es eine kurze Animation, um die Lösung zu erklären - also auch wenn Ihr Kind sie noch klemmt lernen können!
✓ können Sie jede Lektion Ihr Kind und sehen die Antworten für jede Frage gegeben getan hat. Neben jeder Frage gibt es einen „Kampf-Ometer“, die diese Art von Fragen, wenn Ihr Kind zeigt einfach ist das Finden oder wenn sie kämpfen.
✓ Es ist eine Analyse-Bildschirm, die Ihr Kind die Erfolgsrate in jedem Thema gibt sie abdeckt und welche sind die Fragen, die sie am meisten kämpfen mit sich.
✓ Durch Verwendung der Informationen in der Lektion und analysieren Teile der App zur Verfügung gestellt können Sie Ihr Kind ihre Lektion mit dir machen lassen entweder oder unabhängig und leicht ihre Fortschritte überwachen und gezielt zusätzliche Hilfe bieten.
✓ Es gibt eine „Belohnung“ auf der Homepage, wo Ihr Kind Sterne für ihre Tätigkeit im App gegeben. Sie können dies Ihr Kind zu helfen, verwenden zu motivieren, gute Gewohnheiten zu lernen und entwickeln
✓ Sie können wählen, USA, Großbritannien, Australien oder Internationale Schulsysteme folgen
✓ Sie haben mehrere Kinder auf jeder hinzufügen können der App installieren und jedes Kind kann in ihrem eigenen Tempo Fortschritte
✓ Nein ergänzt und nicht in App-Käufe - diese App für Ihre Kinder absolut sicher ist!
hier klicken, um das vollständige Handbuch zu sehen https://www.qutesol.com/max2math/user-guide
☆☆☆☆☆ Educational App Store 5 star reviewed by teachers ☆☆☆☆☆
See the Educational App Store listing here https://www.educationalappstore.com/app/max2math
"Providing varied and high-quality maths practice is what the app is all about." - Educational App Store review
"The reporting section of the app is excellent." - Educational App Store review
"Appearances can be deceiving. This app offers a learning experience far better than you might expect based on its appearance alone." - Educational App Store review
"Yes, despite having no ads or in-app purchases, this app is free to download and parents and teachers are encouraged to do so." - Educational App Store review
Max2Math is designed to encourage your child to do one short math lesson every day or as often as they can.
☆ We believe children who practice their math regularly will gain in confidence and develop good habits for life ☆
✓ Each lesson is individually tailored to your child using algorithms that run on your phone or tablet that take into account the child's age, school year and all the answers the child has given previously.
✓ The learning is done by example and each question has an option to provide the answer and for some questions there is a short animation to explain the solution - so even if your child gets stuck they can still learn!
✓ You can review each lesson your child has done and see the answers given for each question. Next to each question there is a "struggle-ometer" which indicates if your child is finding this type of question easy or if they are struggling.
✓ There is an analysis screen which gives your child's success rate in each topic they are covering and which are the questions they are most struggling with.
✓ By using the information provided in the Lesson Review and Analysis parts of the app you can let your child do their lesson either with you or independently and easily monitor their progress and provide targeted additional help.
✓ There is a "Rewards" section on the home page where your child is given stars for their activity on the app. You can use this to help motivate your child to learn and develop good habits
✓ You can choose to follow United States, United Kingdom, Australia or International school systems
✓ You can add multiple children on each install of the app and each child can progress at their own pace
✓ No adds and no in app purchases - this app is totally safe for your kids!
Click here to see the full User Guide https://www.qutesol.com/max2math/user-guide